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Waxing Services
Eyebrow Tweezing - $20.00
Lip or Chin - $10.00
Lip & Chin - $20.00
Sideburns - $20.00
Half Arm - $35.00
Full Arm - $55.00
Underarm - $25.00
Belly - $25.00
Half Leg - $45.00
Full Leg - $85.00
Back - $65.00
Chest - $55.00
Bikini - $45.00
Hollywood - $65.00
Hollywood Monthly Maintenance - $55.00
Please let us know if you are using oral medication, such as Accutane or a Retin-A, before facial waxing. All offers: Price excludes gratuity and tax unless otherwise noted. All offers & prices subject to change without further notice. Please visit website for full spa policy details.
If you do not show up for your appointment, a cancellation fee of $35 will be charged.
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